Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gym Class!

Leah started taking gym class about 2 weeks ago, at a place called My Gym. At first I wasn't in love with the class, but seeing all the great things they allow Leah to do, I'm sold! That and the fact that Leah LOVES it and cries every time we leave!

The class starts off with stretches (love the arm and leg stretches), then they set up different activities for the kids--bars, swings, balance beam, tumbling and so on. After the set activities, they have separation time, where the parents step back and let the kids interact with each other and the teachers. It's so cute! I love watching Leah play! To end the class they usually bring out a puppet and tell a story, then we sing our good-bye song!

I love that it's therapy without it having to be "therapy". Leah's OT and PT love that she is getting into it and really enjoying it! And Leah especially loves it, because it's fun!

Here are a couple videos of her walking into gym class last week!


Erin said...

She is so cute and how fun!

Ellen Seidman said...

My Gym is great! We're in NJ, are you?

Amanda said...

We're in Illinois! Must be a chain...

Barbara said...

Sounds like a fun place - great walking Leah!

Kiera said...

This looks like so much fun! I am glad you are enjoying it!